#⌈⌈ooc. (faty speaks)
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convxction · 1 month ago
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ooc. sending asks randomly. if you wanna hit that like button. no, i'm not gonna snap at preparing for school next week when i am supposed to be chilling.--3%#$%#$%%^$
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shajaah · 1 month ago
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independent multi muses blog, chaotic at best. different franchises including f.inal fantasy, f.ire emblem, t.ales of, h.arvest moon, r.une factory, b.ravely default, g.od eater and others, including ocs. feel free to check [ rules ] & [ muses ] pages. if you wanna join the chaos don't be shy & give it a ♥ or ⟳. Chaos by yours truly, Faty.
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sentofight · 5 months ago
ooc. honks to let you know i am alive but trying to find the right balance in life to get back into writing sobs. it aint working so far but will see.
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fishandships · 1 year ago
IDV ship dynamics
i wrote up some summaries for the dynamics between my IDV oc/canon ships a while back and figured i'd post them as a drabble of sorts? so lots of schmoopiness below cut lmao
Luchino/Rosario (Amor Fati): Luchino can dish it out but he can’t take it. He’s casually confident and smooth until Rosario flirts with *him* and he gets awkward and flustered (which Rosario finds extremely endearing). He uses lots of pet names and discovered very early on that sweet talk in Italian makes Rosario swoon so he deliberately peppers it in for their benefit. In particular, he refers to them as columbino once their relationship becomes official. Rosario uses “my love” and “my heart” but more often just “Luchi” (drawing out the vowels in sing-song the more they want attention). Luchino is naturally very touchy, not just in a romantic sense but in general, and Rosario, being as touch-starved as they are, does get flustered at first but absolutely loves it. Luchino also pays little attention to personal space.
These two getting together happened extremely fast - it was mutually love at first sight and a week later Luchino was inviting Rosario to move to Italy with him. The impulsivity of this decision is OOC for both of them - Luchino is (supposedly) known for his caution post-bite, and Rosario initially had a 7-year plan for figuring out whether they wanted to marry someone. But when the two met they both immediately felt like this was literally their other half and continuing life as it was previously would feel like being bifurcated.
OH random small thing I really love: Luchino canonically needs glasses but refuses to wear them most of the time. Once in a while he’ll wear a monocle to read. I headcanon that he’s awkward about this - maybe he dislikes the way it makes him look. Rosario, on the other hand, thinks he looks *fantastic* with glasses.
Bane/Rosario (So Deer to My Heart): Slow burn; it takes a while for Bane to admit to himself that he has feelings for Rosario and longer still to admit to them because he’s too Tough and Independent for emotions (he tries to project this but tbh even he doesn’t believe it. He’s a huge softie who tries and fails at being an edgelord). Meanwhile it does take Rosario a while to develop romantic feelings - because of how quiet and solitary Bane is, it just took them a bit longer to get to know him. Despite being withdrawing, Bane is not shy and is very confident, so he doesn’t fluster unless Rosario does something very directly sweet that catches him off-guard. Since his face is always covered, Rosario interacts with his hands earlier than they would with others (for whatever reason, hand-touching is third-base stuff in Rosario’s mind). Bane tends to think of Rosario in comparison to an elk/deer both in terms of interpreting their behavior and physical description. As a sort of pun he tends to call them “my dear” and “dear heart” once their relationship is established. I stick with the original canon of Bane being unable to speak much due to having had his tongue cut out, and my personal headcanon is that initially he didn’t bother to learn sign language since he didn’t want to talk to people anyway. When he meets Rosario, he largely communicates via writing on a slate when absolutely necessary, but later starts using sign as he starts to want to talk to them (and Luchino!) more. Rosario is keen to learn along with him. Taking a cue from Luchino, Bane’s personal sign for Rosario is the sign for “dove”.
Norton/Rosario (Magnetic Attraction): Once the initial headbutting is out of the way (both are extremely stubborn), Norton starts to appreciate Rosario’s overall softness and decides that he wants that for himself. Being a go-getter, he approaches them directly and without guise. Rosario is intimidated and mistrustful at first, but once Norton shows them he’s serious and actually does have a soft side himself, they fall really fast. He wants to be looked after and they want to be protected, so the relationship is mutually beneficial. Most likely pair to play-rassle (Norton, who is much stronger, always wins and Rosario, who has a competitive streak, is fake-mad about it). Norton thinks of Rosario in terms of being precious/valuable/treasure and of himself as being their rock/sturdy/steadfast. He doesn’t usually use pet names but once in a while during very soft moments will murmur “darlin’” or “sweet thing”/"sweetheart". Rosario calls him “my love”, “love”, and “handsome”.
Andrew/Rosario (Like Real People Do): After being treated cruelly by so many people because of his albinism, Andrew gravitated towards Rosario extremely quickly and got clingy really fast. He struggled with his self-image and fear of rejection conflicting with his urgent desire to keep Rosario close, which resulted in a lot of awkwardness as he would try to make a move but panic and bail halfway through. Rosario finds him fascinating for a number of reasons, particularly his surprisingly romantic philosophy, and falls for him at a slightly slower, less noticeable pace. Even moreso than usual their nurturing instincts are extremely strong towards him and will go out of their way to protect him and make him feel comfortable, from physically getting between him and an aggressor to tucking scented herbs in his wardrobe so his coat will smell nice. Pet names aren’t as much of a thing, but both address the other as “my love”. Andrew can be extremely poetic and will spontaneously produce flowery phrases of endearment that always catch Rosario off guard and make them emotional.
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kinships · 2 years ago
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I like to be called: Konchu
one thing you should know about me: My attention span is really short, and sometimes I forget things, I also am very shy and sometimes will not speak up toy ou for days on end. It's not you it's me lmao.
thing you should know about rping with my character(s): I try to not use the fandoms idea of their character, but I will incorporate it in some way but I don't make it their whole personality. Especially because 90% of this are my own takes on Main Characters,,,,
Joy to work with: Everyone??? Special mentioned to @viisiond, @convxction, @cl4ras and uh...yeah...
first language: English but I suck at it lmao
age range: under 13  |  14–17 | 18–22 | 23–25 | 26–29 | 30+ | 40+ | 70+ am
I okay with nsfw?: yes | no | some nsfw (trust is a big thing here)
my favorite/most common thing to rp is:angst | fluff | smut | crack | action | plots | AUs | violence | darker themes | other
this rp blog: does contain ooc posts | doesn’t contain ooc posts | occasionally contains ooc
tagged by: This is Fatys fault.
tagging: Yes
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flovverworks · 3 years ago
speaking of old times but this blogs majorly ppl whos been around my blogs for a looong while LOL
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sentofight · 8 months ago
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ooc. good use of my time wehehe. if u like these i can make for other muses, let me know hohoho. dont be a coward, send even if for lolz.
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sentofight · 3 months ago
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ooc. this post will be rebloged a couple of times then i will close this blog and archive these amazing and wonderful moments inside of it. i'll be moving to a new blog (wow so dramatic waowewowee). no obligation to follow me over on the new blog but if you do let's write up fun things! catch me up on the new one causing chaos whenever i can lol. i'll be refollowing people slowly so ye. thanks for the good times here.
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shajaah · 1 month ago
ooc. anyone wanna starter from my ocs? if you want someone in particular write in the comment~
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convxction · 4 months ago
i had to search some ships and it bugs me that somehow it is always 'it's because of c.hrom you can't love me' and im like bruh stop this. i get that some characters are influenced by him but idk im just protective of my blue man i dont like that he is being used to just petty plots to make characters fight over feelings and he is just there like whats going on???? what did i do??? c.hrom not once acknowledge someone's feelings. ngl i can see him knowing about cordy's affection but he does not even entertain bringing this up to anyone, not even frederick or lissa. he just pretends he does not know anything. it might be hurtful but he thinks about the long run. they are good friends and comrades, he does not want to lose this over something neither he nor she can change; heart matters cannot be 'fixed' because you can. even sumia, he tries to keep it low as a friend but since she is an option to marry her, you can see the progress in which he warms up more to her. IM JUST NOT HAPPY WHENEVER SOMEONE USES C/ROM FOR THE SAKE OF RIVRALY OVER LOVE EEEEEEEEEEE i know i would use that too but like make it more sensible and not just "oh you love him dont you? thats why you dont love me back huh? hmph!" its just cringy to me at this point. maybe because i have written krumb for years and for the most part of the fandom, they still see him as the idiotic himbo man and not someone 'responsible'. pain ..... i'd love to read or see stuff which this implemented and not throw krumb in there for the sake of dissing krumb subtly you know. i think i read something like that way back. like idk what they had against my man but they did it so to make c.hrom not a good 'husband material' for their ship to happen. anyway, little rant is over. tdlr: leave bluemuffin man alone he is doing his best not to follow his neesa and just frick it all.
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convxction · 4 months ago
HELLO!!! Been following your blog since like I was in 6th grade? Just now made a tumblr account so HELLO YOUR CHROM GIVES ME HAPPIES!! 💙💙
Anyway question for Chrom and the muse, does Chrom ever get sick? Colds or anything? Headaches? Stomach issues? I know he hates rhubarb but I was wondering if he had a immune system/stomach of *steel* besides that. The nurse in me wants to know!
Okay thank you have a lovely day ^o^
*insert x files music*
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ok um i'm glad my rambling here makes someone happy haha. lives to serve the crumbiest of the scrumbtious of mister fayre embrumbu, krumb. honestly, this is my crazy zone where i can rant about this silly man and have fun and feel happy when people like you say that they are happy to read my chaotic thoughts nyehehehe~
and a question!? heck yeah my favorite kind of support hoho~
you got that right! and i think i might have mentioned this before here or on discord about him wolfing down literally anything because you know there was a time when ylisse was not doing great after le papa did that 'let's go to za war~' ylisse lost most of its farmers and able hands so basically agriculture and economy took a dive in the plegian sea. so in short, they had to survive on what they already had or managed to acquire from Ferox (ofc not charity) and ofc that means c/hrom had to eat what was given to him. so for his stomach, it is almost a black hole unless you are talking about sully, kjelle, lucina and vaike's food--he is still pretty much human and will keel over because of their mystery food x LOL
as for getting sick hmmm not really but the downside of him not getting sick that often is that when he actually gets sick, it is severe. and it does not help that he tries to act cool and tough and obviously anti-sleeping-on-bed. you literally have to strap him to the bed or put frederick on watch lmao. i mentioned before that his physical health is top notch but when it comes to mental health is questionable teehe~ you need naga's mercy and the power of tough love to shake dem demons out of him lololol.
i hope the nurse in you is satisfied with this answer ~ if you got any thoughts share them! it would be interesting to know more practical and medical side of things since i know zero about them hoho. thanks uncle gloglgoglo for answering some questions i have at times lol
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thanks lovely! your ask made me so happy, too! honestly i had to stare at it for a couple of hours and wait for the 'syke' but turns out a nice message ;u; <3
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convxction · 6 months ago
ooc. Henlo. Plotting call, this is plotting call. Like and I shall appear in your desucord. If we are not mutual pls add me-- @ fatytsubasa
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convxction · 23 days ago
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ooc. z/ayne hating carrots, caleb hates cilantro, c/hrom hates rhubarb. the trio assembled. cant change my mind. these three will be big bro squad for MC.
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convxction · 7 months ago
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conviction: a STRONG belief that is not likely to change, or the strong feeling that your beliefs are RIGHT.
Independent & selective & oc friendly & multi verse & multi ship & based on personal interpretation, of both Eng. & Jap. writing, Chrom from Fire Emblem: Awakening role play blog. Shepherd by yours truly Faty. Please ♥ & ↺ if you are interested in writing with blue krumbino. [ rules // about // verses ]. I do enjoy delving into other fandoms so don't worry if you are not familiar with awakening. I like to write verses for this dorking. enjoy your ride with us! because we can change anything! (currently obsessing over love and deepspace if you must know so expect deepspace himbo hunter to bother you lmao)
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convxction · 1 month ago
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ooc. dropping the plot call. likey likey and i will invade your dms later.
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shajaah · 1 month ago
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